At the end of the day.
The moments where I lay in bed before I fall asleep
I want these moments to be full of peace, hope, thankfulness and prayer.
I want look back on the day and know that I loved well
tried my best
took risks
made a difference
stayed focused
showed God's love
and in the end know... that I was myself, just me.
Because lately these last few moments before I fall asleep have been filled with...
pointless worries
fears of failing
thoughts of not being good enough
feeling hopeless in this world
selfish dreams
finding ways to impress others
and in the end... I felt empty, unsatisfied, not me.
Soooooooo, I have decided, realized and I am ready.
Decided to be me, just me
Realized it takes more effort to be someone else, rather than just you.
Ready to be bold, ready to love, take risks, make a difference.....
June is already full of excitement, happiness and new adventures.