Sunday, September 19, 2010

some of my favorite recent memories

Okay, So I know that these first three pictures are obviously not recent. But earlier this week my mom and I went through old photo albums (I suggest doing this :) and we had so much together.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


this isn't enough...i need change
Lord I need you to change in me, move in me
make me a clean pure heart

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I knew there were going to be days like this...
Laugher always breaks the silence
restores the uneasiness in my soul
I pretend tears are rain drops
watering my dried up feelings
of frustration,sweet bitterness, and misunderstanding
the glances across the room are empty
always there is more laughter
it covers up
covers up the tears that are....
spinning spinning spinning
and suddenly they are lost
but I don't fear
It all changes when the new sun rises
and flowers blossom.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Because my sister wants more pictures...

As my little sister was looking at my blog, she seemed very uninterested. She told me I needed more pictures.... I agreed.

This picture is of us in San Francisco last summer.. I love her face expression and how the camera caught the "Jesus Christ Loves You" sign in the background.

more pictures to come...thanks to my little.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

happiest moments

I am happiest most when.....
surrounded by my friends, they make me want to be a better me
learning from my mother... if I could one day be only half of the woman she is
reading a book
at church
letting my heart get inspired by magical melodies and thought provoking lyrics
giving my imagination the permission to be unleashed
at a park
watching a sunset
surrounded by flowers
singing (ha)
spending time with my sisters
shooting hoops
getting lost in the twinkles of the stars
taking walks
caught in the beauty of silence
drinking coffee
feeling rain drops on my skin
puppies lick my face
my dad plays his acoustic guitar
God speaks to my heart
I am flying.... aka swinging on a swing

Monday, June 28, 2010


My moments with God are growing.
I pay more attention.
Learning to balance.... and take risks
My heart is unruffled and fulfilled
Having fun and letting my goofy side be expressed

Thursday, June 3, 2010

decided. realized. ready

At the end of the day.
The moments where I lay in bed before I fall asleep
I want these moments to be full of peace, hope, thankfulness and prayer.
I want look back on the day and know that I loved well
tried my best
took risks
made a difference
stayed focused
showed God's love
and in the end know... that I was myself, just me.

Because lately these last few moments before I fall asleep have been filled with...
pointless worries
fears of failing
thoughts of not being good enough
feeling hopeless in this world
selfish dreams
finding ways to impress others
and in the end... I felt empty, unsatisfied, not me.

Soooooooo, I have decided, realized and I am ready.
Decided to be me, just me
Realized it takes more effort to be someone else, rather than just you.
Ready to be bold, ready to love, take risks, make a difference.....

June is already full of excitement, happiness and new adventures.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


It will be June a day from now.
May is coming to an end.
This month I can't even begin to describe to you the
craziness, tiredness, laughter, hope, tears, new-beginnings and confusion.
I feel as if I might need to take a week of solitude to debrief... ponder... wonder.... gather thoughts and re-create peace, steady waves, and a full heart of grace, compassion, tenderness, hope, and love.
Sometimes I am unable to fully understand God's overflowing deep intimate love He has for me and His children.
It's humbling to know that I serve a God that never runs out of grace, favor, love and likeness...
I can't do it all. I can't compete with God. I need him.
My old youth pastor, someone I really look up to and who has greatly contributed to the person I am today, recently just wrote in his Life Journal, "To be helped is to be humbled."
I need God's help. I need humbling. Everyday.
This month, I wish I was humbled more.
I freaked out, worried too much, gave up, got off track.

What May didn't fall short of or lacked in any way was friends and family.
I have discovered friendships that I value and treasure.
I found friends in my life that I would do anything for.
My family is closer than ever... My brothers and sisters are becoming best friends.
We are learning to count on one another. I am happy. These are lifelong relationships that God chose for me. In other words. I don't just love them because I have to. I choose to. I want to.

This will be a May to remember... and turning 20 really wasn't so bad.
June is the start of something new. I have hope for June.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A sloppy wet kiss

" to see him more clearly, love him more dearly, follow him more nearly"
I want to see you Lord. I want my eyes to recognize you. In the storm, the dust, smoke, blur, and confusion. I want to see you in the fog. Hear you through the silence. Feel you in the stillness. Allow my eyes to be open to see your heart.
I want my greatest love story to be our story. To love you more than any earthly thing. To be called yours, to be desired by you, to encounter your grace, to be your beloved... I can only love you more deeply.
For you will never leave me nor forsake me. Your light shines on my darkest days, guiding me, leading me. Lovely in all directions. I am lost, and in need of your guidance. I can rest in the power of the unknown... Knowing you are the power in my life.

In the John Mark Mcmillan song "How He loves", there is this line that I believe describes the raw, pure, intimate desire God has for us.

"So Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss"
There is something so intimate and divine that happens when a little bit of heaven meets earth. But just imagine the encounter of heaven meeting earth with a genuine, tender, passionate sloppy wet kiss. Whoa how he loves us.

If you have never heard the song, Stop reading and go listen to it now. There are many different versions of the song, but I encourage you to listen to the original... Many other artists change the phrase "sloppy wet kiss" to "unforeseen kiss" and for reasons I am not sure of. But I believe a sloppy wet kiss embodies the true affection and intimacy God desires with us. This song captures God's heart.

Lord thank you for loving me.
Here I am.
A broken human being, desiring to love and serve my savior
that is all the matters.

Hope my future and Hope for the World

Saturday, May 8, 2010

the world makes me laugh...

"When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the world."
Today I was walking in San Francisco with my sister, and looking through the window of a small boutique was a sign with this very quote... makes you laugh huh?? Life is funny sometimes when you come to a place where everything around you is perfect.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"My colors will be clear"

found this, love this, By: Infiltrate, "Worth Dying For

"I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made.I'm a disciple of His and I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away,or be still.My past is redeemed. My present makes sense. My future is secure.I'm done and finished with low living, sight walking, small planning, smoothknees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals.I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity.I don't have to be right, or first, or tops, or recognized, or praised, orrewarded.I live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by Holy Spirit power.My face is set. My gait is fast. My goal is heaven.My road may be narrow, my way rough, my companions few, but my guide is reliable and my mission is clear.I will not be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back,deluded or delayed.I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence ofthe adversary.I will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up,prayed up, paid up, and preached up for the cause of Christ.I am a disciple of Jesus!I must give until I drop, preach until all know, and work until He comes.And when He does come for His own, He'll have no problems recognizing me. My colors will be clear!"

God Inspired or Me Inspired

I have come the realization that dreams, if not God inspired, will set you up for failure.

There has become this movement of
and dream-doers
that are on the arise to probably take over the world.
And my only fear and set back for not joining in all the fun-filled dreaming is because I allow influences,other than God to muster up my dreams.
And this is the type of dreaming I am talking about that will set you up for failure.
This type of dreaming is toxic to your future.
Take it from me, I once went from dream-chaser to dream-failure in the matter of days.
All because I allowed popular trends and opinions to put a false hope in my heart.
Pushing me to go after something that I could never achieve...
originally, genuinely and whole-heartedly
Because my dreams were not God inspired they were Me inspired
Dreams that went after selfish desires
whether it be for fame
greed or
This type of dreaming God wants nothing to do with
He is hurt & disappointed when we put our
hearts, energy and passions towards dreams that are not of his delight.

We, has followers of Christ have the power to dream God sized dreams
Dreams that require an unshakable amount of faith
Dreams that require God running right along side you, never behind you
Dreams that are only achievable with his strong foundation
Dreams that he has specifically placed in your heart
Dreams that challenge
Dreams that bring hope
Dreams that can stand up to the brokenness of this world
Dreams that power this world
Dreams that love without end

Whatever type of dream, may it be God inspired

Now as for myself not joining in on this dream believing, chasing, making lifestyle...
I know God has placed dreams and desires in my heart
It is now just a matter of me seeking and delighting myself in him
So he can truly reveal his plan for my life
I honestly believe that God will not send you his God inspired dreams until you completely delight yourself in him
(so until this happens... dreams will only be Me inspired dreams.)

Chase after him.
Desire him
Seek him
Love him
Dream him.

I do give myself Hope for the dreams God has placed in my heart
I do have hope for the dreams God has placed in your heart too
Now just delight in him.

psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"
(It's tattooed on my foot for crying out loud)

Friday, March 26, 2010


some silence would be nice, and maybe an overflowing cup of grace, an unshakeable amount of faith, and an understanding that God has a constant desire for me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Here I am

Sometimes the weight of the world is unfair.
I let it have to much power and influence over my life
over things I say
things I hold back
how I limit my love
what makes me happy
bitterness I hold
grace I receive

God make me whole
invade my heavy heart
change me
I lay me down
I need you
seek you
Here I am

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

rainy days and everything that comes along...

what a wonderful rainy day it was
coffee in the morning with my beautiful sister and mom
after school i came home to find myself locked out of my house
decided to take myself out to lunch
pluto's tri-tip steak sandwich...
and Sex God
A book that I have read about 3-4 times
I opened it to a random page in the chapter
Worth Dying For
and read this

"Do you realize? You don't need a man by your side to validate you as a woman. You already are loved and valued. You're good enough exactly as you are. Do you believe this? Because it's true. You have limitless worth and value. If you embrace this truth, it will affect every area of life, especially your relationship with men. You are worth dying for. Your worth does not come from your body, your mind, your work, what you produce, what you put out, how much money you make. Your worth does not come from whether or not you have a man. Your worth does not come from whether or not men notice you. You have inestimable worth that comes from your creator....But you don't have to give yourself away to earn a man's love. You're better than that. You're already loved."

I know that was a long quote
but totally worth it
I sat there for awhile in Plutos (of all places)
and had an intimate moment with my creator.
wrestled with the fact that I am worth dying for
Really?? I mean come on??
And I felt right there,the second I doubted,
God was disappointed in me for a second.
I felt it... and never want to feel it again.
but in that moment, after doubt...I realized
I am worth dying for
just speaking these words brought me to tears...
and yes, I am still in Plutos.
I was thought about
I was designed
I am fragile
I am valued
I have purpose
I am pure
I am loved

and looking around with blurred vision from the tears..
I saw people worth dying for.
people are worth dying for.
people that God created... people that God finds joy in, people that don't believe in him, people that make mistakes, people who believe they are not beautiful, people who follow their dreams, people that sacrifice, people who need to be loved, people who need to know God's love
and that no matter what...fill in the blank
No matter,what I said or didn't say, should have or shouldn't have done, believed or not... say it
out loud
(You) I am worth dying for.

Friday, February 19, 2010

He is More than Enough... Am I?

I'm being drawn closer
I'm letting go
I'm going wild
I can't describe the level of intimacy
the depth of grace
and amount of love
and thankfulness
I am feeling to be called His

Fearing Him more and more each day,
allows me to break
bend and
burst the dreams and plans I give myself.

I have given him my life, my heart, my world and He is the creator of my dreams.
If I want him to move mountains, and be the rage in my seas, and the flutter in my heart
all my intentions, actions, and drive must breath Jesus
In my very moments of struggle, happiness, joy, failure, times of need
times of praise
times of laughter
times of selfishness
times of hope
times of shatter
and times of love
I will seek Him

I am caught in awe with the way He loves me
I struggle to see that I am enough.

Having Hope to be Enough

Thursday, February 18, 2010

despite it all... jesus

i am happy
despite getting t-boned pulling out of my court today
despite having the worst head ache all day long
despite having to look at an ugly dent every time i get into my car
despite what could have been the worst possible day ever....
jesus saves
jesus loves
jesus cares
jesus believes
jesus does
jesus smiles
jesus listens
jesus is my everything
and for a split second today.. i thought i was going to meet him face to face
but when the spinning in my head stopped and all came back to me
i was still in caught in the beauty of this world
in the midst of chaos
he was calm
my peace
my comfort

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

discouraged to only become encouraged

I feel like my world is crashing in
out of my control
I'm losing sight
I have been discouraged

I need to be picked up
brought back to life

I have put to much hope, faith, and trust in something of this world
Maybe I was naive, ignorant, or child-like
but whatever it was, it got me down

Funny thing is
I am a fighter
I always have been
Life hasn't always been easy on me
and I have had to fight some battles to become the person I am today
to become me
to accept me
to understand my trials
to learn from my mistakes
to judge myself more than others
to put myself second
to love with everything I have
to give until I have nothing left
to become unstoppable
to have a faith that is contagious
to dream the dreams of my heart
and have the courage to go after them

all of this, all of me, wouldn't be possible
without the love and faith God has in me
my strength comes from him
and him alone
because he has never given up on me
when i have given up on myself...
i live for Him
his mercy brings me to my knees

"His mercy saved me,
His mercy made me whole,
mercy found me and
He called me as his own"

again, i am just a simple girl
that loves to love
my heart is on my sleeve
and i have dreams that will change this world
not to change the world
but to just be apart of this world
making my mark on this world
hoping in this world
i am a dream believer
but most of all a dream seeker

I just want to inspire and lift up
through the actions in my life
I know I am not perfect
I am just me
and I hope you are just you
Finding the Hope to believe in my future
yours too, more importantly :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Living for Me or My Creator?

there is something so beautiful,
so rare,
and refreshing
when you allow God to be the ultimate
provider in every aspect of your life.
Where no opinion, judgement, or doubt can control you.
When you surrender your heart to him He leaves no room for

It kills me when I see friends looking in all the wrong places
to find happiness and acceptance...
looking to the opposite sex to feel beauty and desired
a pair of designer jeans to fit in
showing more skin to catch an eye
working out every muscle so you don't lose that girl to that guy
never leaving the house without double checking the mirror...
whatever it is in your life that you let define you.. it also controls you
and your ability to live life to the fullest
to love with no limits
and pursue the dreams in your heart
I am guilty of letting these define me,
limiting the ways I love, how I love and how much love
allowing myself to follow and be consumed by things that don't matter
we manipulate our lives in order to fit a checklist that the world creates
that we would do anything for
This isn't how God designed it
So we need to fight it
like He fights for us
cause He would do anything for us.
Why is it so hard to do anything for Him?

Is it wrong that I need you, need to feel you, need to hear you??
When you come to close I fear you, your love is greater than what I can handle
I no longer want to have to defend who I have become...
i desire to become all you have for me
i was called not to be apart of this world
but to live in this world
shining for you in this world
hoping for this world
dreaming the undreamable in this world
going against the desires of this world
finding the beauty in this world
spreading the love of humanity in this world
being beautifully alive for you in this world

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where I come to find....

I have struggled with finding where my worth and happiness come from
I have looked in all the wrong places...

"Lord, I am begging you to hold on tight
right now as I pour my heart out in hope for my future
In hope you wont let go
Im giving you my life
and bearing it all for you"
(side prayer, before I begin to let it all come out)

I am broken
I struggle with finding my innocence
probably due to my past of...
pain, a selfish, unhealthy kind of love, and the tight grip evil had on me
I was numb to life, to God's love, his very presence was absent
I was consumed by a worldly sin that was out of my hands
out of my control
(Have you ever been in a situation that is 100%
out of your control that you cannot explain
and are to afraid to change?)
When everything in my world is
crashing down, spinning, and paused as the world around continues on
these are the moments when He draws me near, takes my hand and never lets go
never lets go
he never let go
I get taken back to these moments...
Like I go through seasons in my life where I forget, where I don't believe.
Like it was all a dream
(and I wish it all was)
And then I open eyes to see God's face staring back at me
and wrapped in His arms
man he holds on tight.

more to come... just had to get this off my heavy heart

My hope is in God for this one..
Let your Hope be His Hope

Most Inspiring...

Today, My mom told me that I am going to make a guy very lucky one day.
That means a lot coming from her.
My mom is one of the most inspiring people you will ever meet
She takes my breath away
Her impact on the world with her kindness is contagious
She loves with a love that is eternal and whole and all-encompassing.
A few words to describe her:
beautiful(inside and out)
strong...beyond measure
Everyday I am grateful for her -- that I get to be her daughter.

I hope to become like her one day
and make a guy very lucky ;)